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icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Veidekke Entreprenad, Flerbostadshus, Brf Blanka (Lindholmen 44:1)

Nordic Swan Ecolabel / Veidekke / Multifamily Home
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Veidekke, Flerbostadshus, Branddörren Etapp 3b (Branddörren 6)

Nordic Swan Ecolabel / Veidekke / Multifamily Home
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Veidekke Entreprenad, Flerbostadhus, Trappsteget 2 (Trappsteget 2)

Nordic Swan Ecolabel / Veidekke / Multifamily Home
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Veidekke Entreprenad, Flerbostadshus, HR Målet (Klosterbacken 2)

Nordic Swan Ecolabel / Veidekke / Multifamily Home
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Veidekke Entreprenad, Flerbostadshus, Brf Honungskupan (Seldonet 1)

Nordic Swan Ecolabel / Veidekke / Multifamily Home
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.

Veidekke, Flerbostadshus, Brf Änggårdsblicken (Järnbrott 212:3)

Nordic Swan Ecolabel / Veidekke / Multifamily Home
icon_hus-och-bygg Created with Sketch.